The Marlene Effect: My Best Coworker Ever

2-min. read

Did I ever tell you about Marlene?

I enjoyed working with her for a couple of years. Then, our paths went their separate ways. Nonetheless, Marlene left a lasting impression on me and everyone she met. 

I’ll always remember her as a remarkable colleague and a source of inspiration for personal growth.

Here’s what Marlene did differently than most of us:

It All Started With Intent

Marlene was a firm believer in the power of intent. She approached her work with purpose in mind. Once she had set specific goals, Marlene took deliberate actions to achieve them and took the team on that journey. It didn’t matter whether it was a complex project or a simple task.

Her strong will and intent inspired us, making it a more focused and productive work environment.

Being Self-Aware

Marlene had superior emotional intelligence, and her self-awareness was evident in how she handled challenges. Instead of reacting impulsively, she would always take a moment to process things, which allowed her to approach situations with clarity and empathy. 

Her calm and self-control in the face of adversity was a fantastic demonstration of the power of self-awareness.

Reflecting a Lot

Marlene knew how to evaluate her experiences regularly. I saw her spend hours stepping back, analyzing, and distilling key findings. She always learned something from her successes and failures, which helped her adapt and continuously improve.

Marlene also wasn’t shy about sharing these reflections on her experiences. It encouraged us to do the same and build a growth and learning culture within the team.

And Being Consistent like Clockwork

One of the traits I admired most about Marlene was her consistency. Rain or shine, she would show up daily with unaffected enthusiasm and dedication.

It soon became infectious, and most of us suddenly found the motivation to follow her example and strive to do our best.

It wasn’t always easy. There were times when I saw Marlene discouraged, disappointed, and frustrated like any of us.

But she prevailed eventually and got on to a very successful executive career.

Marlene was more than just a coworker. Her approach to life, filled with positivity and growth, never ceases to inspire and uplift me.

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