The Essence of Cool: Five Lessons from Brilliant Raúl

3-min. read

“Look at how cool this person is!”

My wife often draws my attention to other people with this fascinating expression.

But how do you define cool? And how much does it matter, especially in the workplace?

There is quite a spectrum of definitions of ‘cool‘, ranging from calm and unemotional to stylish, hip, or even aloof and arrogant.

In this article, ‘cool’ refers to a positive and effective leadership style, and Raúl’s example will illustrate this.

Raúl was undoubtedly the coolest manager I’ve ever had. By that, I mean Raúl knew how to connect with others. He was kind and compassionate and made us feel fabulous no matter the circumstances.

In our team, which was often faced with high-pressure situations and tight deadlines, Raúl’s leadership was truly exceptional.

Here’s what made Raúl so cool:

1 – Raúl was a respectful listener

To understand a situation or perspective, he mastered the art of conversations, always ensuring not to impose his viewpoint on others. Raúl made us feel heard by simply pausing and listening intently.

Along these lines, Raul was open to hearing different opinions without judgment and patiently considered our views. This created an environment of mutual respect and learning.

2 – Raúl Was Following Up and Through

After every meaningful conversation, Raúl followed up with a message or call to check how things were going. He even picked up small details from our exchanges, demonstrating that he genuinely listened.

Raúl also gained tremendous trust by knowing how to keep his promises and doing what he said. As importantly, in the rare event he couldn’t deliver, he would inform us and give appropriate context.

3 – Raúl was “All” Inclusive

In our group meetings, Raúl valued everyone’s voice. He checked on quiet people, asked for their opinions, and included them in the conversation.

He also had that special way of making us feel included by integrating us into his plans: instead of saying I’m visiting this customer, he’d say things like, “Why don’t you join me on this customer visit?” A tiny detail that made a huge difference.

4 – Raúl Radiated with Positivity

Fundamentally kind, Raul knew how to spot the best in us. It could be a skill, an action, or something we shared; Raúl was the first to tell us when he noticed something good in us. It warmed my heart every single time.

Raúl was also an expert at genuinely enjoying and celebrating the success of others. He was the first to celebrate our achievements and give us the credit we deserved, not just taking all the praise for himself.

5 – Raúl Was Inherently Honest

When Raúl messed things up, he took responsibility and was the first to apologize and share what he’d do about it.

His honesty and integrity made us feel secure and trustful, knowing we were working with a transparent and accountable leader.

Raul’s feedback was also fundamentally honest. While he knew how to deliver messages with kindness and empathy, his words rang swift and true.

How is that for a dream manager?

Although he turned out to be the exception, Raúl truly existed, but most other leaders I encountered weren’t even close to Raúl’s five traits.

Having known Raúl at the beginning of my career, I, too, aspired to be like him. 

I’m still trying.

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