What Will They Think of You When You’re Gone?

2-min. read

It can be terrifying to think about your legacy. What will people remember? Will you have made an impact? Does it matter in the scheme of things?

First, let me reassure you. I’m not necessarily talking about the final departure from this life into the “big unknown.” No, I’m referring more to these teams, these companies, these jobs we eventually leave behind as we move to new opportunities.

I often step back and reflect on what authentic influence I’ve had, as a leader, on my teammates’ lives.

I also think about these leaders who changed the game for me, opened my mind, and made me look at things differently.

Interestingly, despite the thousands of people I’ve directly worked with through the years, there are less than ten truly influential figures I can remember.

I can only hope I’ve made a difference for five people! 

That’s just the way it goes. You’ll quickly exhaust the nice things people had to say in farewell messages. Then, in a shockingly short amount of time, they have forgotten you.

So, what should you do about it?

If you believe your primary purpose at work is to please others, and make their life better, think twice

Most people don’t share your values. They have their own agenda. They might not even understand your gestures and genuine efforts toward them.

As importantly, whatever good you’ve done will soon be forgotten.

I’m not suggesting you don’t help others at work, but make sure you first prioritize your own goals. Establish your own vision of what success looks like, and let it inspire your actions.

Then, and only then, you can be more impactful in the ways you help others at work.

It’s your achievement, your success – or failure. Too many of us give up control over our career destiny for fear of what others will think or say.

The truth, though, is that only those leaders who live it up to their true potential, are driven and determined to reach their goals, will help others on the journey.

If you are that kind of leader, you’ll stand a better chance to reach your goals, inspire your teams, and have you all grow from the experience.

And then, maybe a handful of blessed individuals will remember your legacy years later!

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