So, You Want To Be a Change Agent?

2-min. read

“Tanguy, you have the potential to be a great change agent for our Company. The vision you built for the business is bold and inspiring. I’ll support you in every way I can. “

No, you’re not dreaming!

This sentence is an extract from one of my past performance reviews. I couldn’t think of a better encouragement from my boss then. Sadly, such a level of support was more the exception than the rule, and most of my bosses were more conservative and risk avoiders.

Yet, challenging conventional thinking has always been in my DNA.

It got me in trouble quite a few times. But it served me on critical occasions when my boss understood my intent and the search for excellence that came with it.

I didn’t reach excellence a lot, but I shot for it, making me a better leader.

These days, I see a concerning phenomenon that is endangering many businesses and the world.

More and more people are okay with the status quo. Barely beating the competition is good enough for them. They’re content with simply participating and going with the flow.

I can appreciate that our world has not been kind these past few years to those who pay attention to the pandemic, the global economic challenges, and the war(s).

Sometimes, it feels that just surviving is a noble fight.

But there is a significant role that the pursuit of excellence can play in our lives, no matter how challenging our environment is.

The search for excellence, the study of the best of the best in any domain, fuels inspiration.

And with inspiration comes greatness.

So, the next time you’re leaning into just “participating” and being average, use these three mental tricks to get you back on the greatness track:

#1 Don’t waste your time criticizing even your worst enemies

When you see something you don’t understand or disagree with, try to deconstruct it. Get to the root causes. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and look for why she should think or act the way she does. In the end, you might still disagree, but you will have gained a more solid and defensible perspective.

#2 Each path to success is unique. Experiment and discover yours.

It’s one thing to be inspired by the best of the best. It’s another to replicate their success. There’s no shame in copying successful approaches, as long as you do your homework. Apply to your context with an experimental mind. See what works and adjust as you progress.

#3 Ignore the critics. Seek selective constructive feedback

The last thing you need is a bunch of critics of your work. Anyone can be a critic. It’s an easy trap. Remember, your path to success is uniquely yours and highly experimental. So, be sure to seek feedback from your target audience and validate – or not – how they understood your intent. Then, educate, adjust as needed and keep soliciting proper feedback.

Remember, it’s a good thing to be a change agent. That’s the best way to reach excellence and make this world better.

So, don’t give up. Seek inspiration from the best. Discover your path. Never settle for average results. Shoot for Excellence.

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